Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day 父親節快樂

Wife: Today is Father's Day, I'll take the kids out so you'll have the whole day to yourself; you can go on-line, play video games and you can throw your underwear and socks on the floor and I won't get mad ----
Daughter: I'll tell him about my boy friend tomorrow ---
Boy: I'll show him my report card tomorrow ---

Father's Day is a celebration of fathers inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, special dinners to fathers, and family-oriented activities.

The first observance of Father's Day actually took place in Fairmont, West Virginia on July 5, 1908. It was organized by Mrs. Grace Golden Clayton, who wanted to celebrate the lives of the 210 fathers who had been lost in the Monongah Mining disaster several months earlier in Monongah, West Virginia, on December 6, 1907. It's possible that Clayton was influenced by the first celebration of Mother's Day that same year, just a few miles away. Clayton chose the Sunday nearest to the birthday of her recently deceased father.
Excerpt from Wikipedia, for complete texts, see's_Day


Happy Father's Day 父親節快樂

Wife: Today is Father's Day, I'll take the kids out so you'll have the whole day to yourself; you can go on-line, play video games and you can throw your underwear and socks on the floor and I won't get mad ----
Daughter: I'll tell him about my boy friend tomorrow ---
Boy: I'll show him my report card tomorrow ---

Father's Day is a celebration of fathers inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, special dinners to fathers, and family-oriented activities.

The first observance of Father's Day actually took place in Fairmont, West Virginia on July 5, 1908. It was organized by Mrs. Grace Golden Clayton, who wanted to celebrate the lives of the 210 fathers who had been lost in the Monongah Mining disaster several months earlier in Monongah, West Virginia, on December 6, 1907. It's possible that Clayton was influenced by the first celebration of Mother's Day that same year, just a few miles away. Clayton chose the Sunday nearest to the birthday of her recently deceased father.
Excerpt from Wikipedia, for complete texts, see's_Day


Sunday, June 12, 2011

1. Dr. Sun Yat Sen 國父孫中山 2. Food safety 食品安全

Sun Yat-sen (founding father of the Republic of China (ROC))was born in the US.

美國在台協會AIT)發言人希拉Paskman 6月6日表示,美國政府文件顯示,1904年孫中山孫逸仙)出生於檀香山.

Document suggests Sun Yat-sen was born in the US

Staff Writer, with CNA
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) spokesperson Sheila Paskman yesterday said a US government document from 1904 showed that Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙) was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and that Sun had been issued a document showing that he was a US citizen — claims the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) quickly denied. For complete texts,see:

Sun had once attended Oahu College, now called Punahou School, the same college which US President Barack Obama attended probably one hundred year ago and both of them had their birth certificates scrutinized; isn't it interesting?

美國在台協會AIT)發言人希拉Paskman 6月6日表示,美國政府文件顯示,1904年孫中山孫逸仙)出生於檀香山.
2011年06月07日 11:01:17  來源: 中國新聞網 


March 1904, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, was detained by U.S. immigration authorities in San Francisco. File photo. source: United Daily News in Taiwan.


Family and friends assisted Dr.Sun Yat-sen to obtain the "birth certificate in Hawaii. " Source: United Daily News in Taiwan


國民黨黨史館主任邵銘煌介紹,這份因權宜之計而來的出生證明指出,孫中山是1870年11月24日出生于夏威夷的茂宜島;“11月24日”是興中會成立日, 以此與革命作連結;他強調,這個出生證明,是為了革命採取的“非常手段”,無法改變孫中山1886年11月12日出生于廣東省中山縣翠亨村的事實。



   已故的英國調查採訪作家馬丁。布斯(Martin Booth)也曾在描述華人幫會史的巨作《龍幫》(The Dragon Syndicates)中寫道,1908年孫中山在泰國為躲避滿清逮捕,向泰國政府出示夏威夷出生證明和美國護照,聲稱他是美國公民;但這兩份文件都是檀香山三合會偽造的。
所以我說, AIT 或者美國政府自少在1908,  一百多年前, 就巳承認雙重國籍了, 不是嗎?
Did the E.coli in Europe and food safety concerns at other countries scare you ?

Bull: "Good, we don't eat packaged food; eating grass is much    safer and healthier".
Horse: "Yep, but I think that buffalo has just peed here -----, YUUUUUUUCK"!

本來不想把此圖登上我的部落閣,因為太沒面子了,從毒奶到塑化劑,都是咱們老中的產品,不想在外人面前自我婑化。但是最近歐洲蔬菜也有問題,所以食物安全是全球人類切身的問題應該重視的。所以把圖的英文對話改了後再發表 ------

1. Dr. Sun Yat Sen 國父孫中山 2. Food safety 食品安全

Sun Yat-sen (founding father of the Republic of China (ROC))was born in the US.

美國在台協會AIT)發言人希拉Paskman 6月6日表示,美國政府文件顯示,1904年孫中山孫逸仙)出生於檀香山.

Document suggests Sun Yat-sen was born in the US

Staff Writer, with CNA
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) spokesperson Sheila Paskman yesterday said a US government document from 1904 showed that Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙) was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and that Sun had been issued a document showing that he was a US citizen — claims the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) quickly denied. For complete texts,see:

Sun had once attended Oahu College, now called Punahou School, the same college which US President Barack Obama attended probably one hundred year ago and both of them had their birth certificates scrutinized; isn't it interesting?

美國在台協會AIT)發言人希拉Paskman 6月6日表示,美國政府文件顯示,1904年孫中山孫逸仙)出生於檀香山.
2011年06月07日 11:01:17  來源: 中國新聞網 


March 1904, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, was detained by U.S. immigration authorities in San Francisco. File photo. source: United Daily News in Taiwan.


Family and friends assisted Dr.Sun Yat-sen to obtain the "birth certificate in Hawaii. " Source: United Daily News in Taiwan


國民黨黨史館主任邵銘煌介紹,這份因權宜之計而來的出生證明指出,孫中山是1870年11月24日出生于夏威夷的茂宜島;“11月24日”是興中會成立日, 以此與革命作連結;他強調,這個出生證明,是為了革命採取的“非常手段”,無法改變孫中山1886年11月12日出生于廣東省中山縣翠亨村的事實。



   已故的英國調查採訪作家馬丁。布斯(Martin Booth)也曾在描述華人幫會史的巨作《龍幫》(The Dragon Syndicates)中寫道,1908年孫中山在泰國為躲避滿清逮捕,向泰國政府出示夏威夷出生證明和美國護照,聲稱他是美國公民;但這兩份文件都是檀香山三合會偽造的。
所以我說, AIT 或者美國政府自少在1908,  一百多年前, 就巳承認雙重國籍了, 不是嗎?
Did the E.coli in Europe and food safety concerns at other countries scare you ?

Bull: "Good, we don't eat packaged food; eating grass is much    safer and healthier".
Horse: "Yep, but I think that buffalo has just peed here -----, YUUUUUUUCK"!

本來不想把此圖登上我的部落閣,因為太沒面子了,從毒奶到塑化劑,都是咱們老中的產品,不想在外人面前自我婑化。但是最近歐洲蔬菜也有問題,所以食物安全是全球人類切身的問題應該重視的。所以把圖的英文對話改了後再發表 ------