Happy Birthday America
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看煙火最好的地方是火星 |
Snowden, where are you going?
From Russia with Love?
The World Is Rooting for an Edward Snowden-Anna Chapman Romance

The only problem with the fascinating sexy spy story of Anna Chapman was that there was little evidence she had sexily used sex to seduce any American spies and deliver actionable intelligence for Russia. And then NSA leaker Edward Snowden got stranded in the Moscow airport.
"Snowden, will you marry me?!" Chapman tweeted this week. The whole world realized the potential for Snowden to complete Chapman's James Bond story. When The Wall Street Journal asked Chapman if she was serious, she responded, "you are welcome to use your imagination." The Taiwanese animators at NMA clearly hope she was serious, too, and on Friday imagined Chapman's daring spy movie-style rescue of Snowden from his airport-bound limbo. The animated Snowden and Chapman kiss while floating in the ocean next to a burning Obama "Change" oil tanker.
The Russian news site RIA Novosti, meanwhile, took the question of a Snowden-Chapman marriage very seriously. It seems the two cannot get married while Snowden remains trapped in the airport. The consular office at the Sheremetyevo airport "is not responsible for registering marriages." Snowden would need documents like his passport, which the U.S. has revoked. It seems the NMA option is the only one Chapman has.
Venezuela offered Snowden asylum yesterday
But I am not sure how he would be able to board a Venezuela bound plane after what have happened to the rerouting of Bolivian President Evo Morales' plane in Europe earlier this week because Snowden was rumored to be on the plane..
Its my opinion that Snowden's best chance for getting asylum is
I think Snowden blew his chances for seeking asylums when he decided to leave Hong Kong in June. I don't think NSA would be able to catch him because he should be listening and watching NSA's every move, just like the old days ----
The 16.5-meter-tall inflatable Rubber Duck art installation is seen at the Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on Thursday. The inflatable duck is a creation of Dutch artist, Florentijn Hofman, and it will be on display in the former British colony until June 9.Photo by Philippe Lopez, AFPHONG KONG- Thousands said farewell Sunday to a giant inflatable yellow rubber duck which has captivated Hong Kong, on its final day in the city's harbour before it heads to the United States.
Read more: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/focus/06/09/13/thousands-bid-farewell-giant-rubber-duck-hk
How are your stock portfolios doing after Bernanke spoke on 6/20?

A new national law introduced this week requires the offspring of parents older than 60 to visit their parents "frequently" and make sure their financial and spiritual needs are met.
The World Is Rooting for an Edward Snowden-Anna Chapman Romance
Associated Press
The only problem with the fascinating sexy spy story of Anna Chapman was that there was little evidence she had sexily used sex to seduce any American spies and deliver actionable intelligence for Russia. And then NSA leaker Edward Snowden got stranded in the Moscow airport.
"Snowden, will you marry me?!" Chapman tweeted this week. The whole world realized the potential for Snowden to complete Chapman's James Bond story. When The Wall Street Journal asked Chapman if she was serious, she responded, "you are welcome to use your imagination." The Taiwanese animators at NMA clearly hope she was serious, too, and on Friday imagined Chapman's daring spy movie-style rescue of Snowden from his airport-bound limbo. The animated Snowden and Chapman kiss while floating in the ocean next to a burning Obama "Change" oil tanker.
The Russian news site RIA Novosti, meanwhile, took the question of a Snowden-Chapman marriage very seriously. It seems the two cannot get married while Snowden remains trapped in the airport. The consular office at the Sheremetyevo airport "is not responsible for registering marriages." Snowden would need documents like his passport, which the U.S. has revoked. It seems the NMA option is the only one Chapman has.
Venezuela offered Snowden asylum yesterday
But I am not sure how he would be able to board a Venezuela bound plane after what have happened to the rerouting of Bolivian President Evo Morales' plane in Europe earlier this week because Snowden was rumored to be on the plane..
Its my opinion that Snowden's best chance for getting asylum is
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Just received a text from Snowden applying for asylum --- |
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I am not sure Snowden is hiding inside of the yellow duck ------- |
Thousands bid farewell to giant rubber duck in HK 再見,小黄鴨
Posted at 06/10/2013 12:27 AM | Updated as of 06/10/2013 12:27 AM
Read more: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/focus/06/09/13/thousands-bid-farewell-giant-rubber-duck-hk
How are your stock portfolios doing after Bernanke spoke on 6/20?

Poll: Support for gay marriage hits high after ruling
WASHINGTON — A record majority of Americans approve of same-sex marriage in the wake of two landmark Supreme Court decisions, a USA TODAY poll finds. But the high court's rulings that struck down provisions of the Voting Rights Act and tightened the rules on affirmative action aren't in sync with the public's views.![]() |
After the divorce, your father married my father, our moms married each other and we are now living together, isn't it cool or what ---- |
Well, it does not matter what kind of marriages, the life after marriage remains unchanged:
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I said:" Don't just come home throwing things on the floor---- and you forgot to take out the garbage --- you won't listen---" Nag, nag, nag -------- |
New Chinese law: Visit your parents
updated 11:03 PM EDT, Tue July 2, 2013
New law
"People are accusing young people of not visiting their parents enough," says Wang, adding she agrees with the aims of the law.
"Admittedly, some of them use their career and long working hours as an excuse. My problems are that I do care about my parents, but I have little vacation and my parents live far away."
Well, some parents might feel uncomfortable when some children are forced to visit them:
網友逼問 AIT認了捷運霸座女
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 不孝子條款 女被判定期探母
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 不孝子條款 女被判定期探母
Well, some parents might feel uncomfortable when some children are forced to visit them:
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Wife: " Great news, looks like our son will have to visit us soon." Husband is thinking and worried if a daughter by his mistress would be forced to visit him --- |
AIT issues apology after subway incident sparks internet firestorm
The AIT employee attempts to cover her face after refusing to yield a seat to an elderly passenger. (Internet photo)
記者:陳乃瑜 攝影:葉俊宏 報導 |
日前有乘客在台北捷運上,拍下一名外籍女子帶著大包小包,一個人霸佔2個座位,勸她讓座,反而被惡言相向,還自稱是美國在台協會AIT的官員,AIT已經證實,這名女子的確是內部職員,已經採取適當處置,PO文投訴的民眾也表示,收到AIT回信道歉,不過這名霸佔座位的女子是否受到懲處,AIT不便透露,這次AIT難得正面回應,最近他們辦的「請問AIT」活動也算是推手之一,因為活動主旨就是有問必答。 AIT總務科副科長朴柱垣:「每天我走路上下班,大約要走個30分鐘。」 美國在台協會最新版「請問AIT」影片,找來亞裔官員回答,上下班走路、騎腳踏車、搭計程車,就是沒提到捷運,現在提到AIT和捷運,恐怕讓人聯想到的是這個畫面。 紅髮外籍女子自稱是AIT官員,一旁雜物霸佔捷運座位不肯讓座,和勸她讓座的乘客發生口角衝突,網友連番上AIT臉書留言質問,畢竟「請問AIT」活動,就是主打什麼都可以問,有問必答。 最後逼得AIT不得不回應,1、2、3、4、5,AIT不厭其煩,一共回應了5次。AIT代理發言人阮家齊:「我只能說她是員工,我們正採取適當的措施,可是基於美國隱私人權法的規定,我們不能提供進一步的資訊。」 外籍女子的確是AIT職員,寫信到AIT投訴的民眾,也PO文說收到AIT回信,雖然內容講的籠統,拒絕說明這名女子受到什麼懲處,不過從6月5日事件發生,7日經過媒體報導,AIT發言人最初還表示不知道她是誰,6月10日就獲得AIT回應。 神舟十号航天员太空授课全过程Astronauts teach Chinese schoolchildren in live link from space – videoA group of 330 school students in Beijing receive a live 台灣二、三、四、五年級生成長史! 網路傳來的,作者不詳 這篇故事真是生動、忠實!-----還真讓我有重活一遍的感覺呢~~~~ 真是越看越有味啊! 如果你/妳就是這群呆胞之一,拍拍手吧! 讓你/妳/我肯定自我一下吧! 最後更要謝謝寫這這篇故事的作者, 讓你/妳/我都能溫故知新! 台灣二、三、四、五年級生成長史! ~~~換句話說~~~ 也就是民國20至50年間出生的呆胞成長史! 作者:四年級生 靠著這一群呆胞,臺灣才有穩定、安寧的今天! 靠著這一群呆胞,臺灣才有今天的好日子過! 首先,提醒大家: 台灣沒石油、沒鐵 、沒煤 、沒黃金、沒牧場、沒資源、沒邦交。 可是今天: 台灣GNP21000美元 GNP 購買力37500美元 外匯存底 世界前4名 電子業 世界前4名 鋼鐵業 世界前12名 石化業 世界前12名 進出口 世界前12名 高鐵捷運品質 世界前5名 全民健保品質 世界前5名水費 世界最低 電費 世界最低 汽油 世界最低 學費 世界最低 繳稅率 世界最低 罵總統 世界最大聲 反對黨 世界最兇悍 這全都是因為當年二三四五年級生都很乖, 都很認真聽蔣總統的訓話, 都很努力讀書、都很努力考試的結果! 每週上班五天半,薪水比現在少,學生比現在多! 不會、也不敢跳樓! 不知道如何罷工,只會努力工作! 不敢丟豬糞! 不可能去總統府前種稻米! 只會聽鳳飛飛、 鄧麗 君唱愛國正經歌! 然後,讓你我重溫下列的史實:
★最愛的漫畫書是「漫畫大王」「小叮噹」「老夫子」「四郎與真平」, 第一次投稿是「王 子月刊」和「國語日報」。 ★「包青天」「保鏢」演好久,好比「夜市人生」和「娘家」。 ★很期待中秋節,因為可以蒐集中秋月餅的玻璃紙。 ★三不五時就有「反共義士」駕機投奔自由, 可以領黃金還能上電視綜藝節目。 ★一二三自由日,要聽谷正綱演講,但是聽不懂說什麼。 ★大多數的人都知道「宋能爾牧師佈道大會」。 ★四月四日兒童節會收到健素糖當禮物,長大之後才知道那是給豬吃的。 ★地理課本歷史課本關於台灣的篇幅可能只有半頁, 一定要背黃河跟長江流經哪些省分,但不知道濁水溪在哪裡? ★小時候最大的恐懼就是「共匪打過來」! ★在學校講台語要被罰錢(侯文詠比較倒楣,他要掛牌子!) ★ 10月31日會發動全國募捐,籌建「介壽號」戰機向偉大的蔣公祝壽。 ★蔣總統死掉的時候,電視機會從彩色變黑白,學生制服要別黑紗, 升旗典禮要「默哀三分鐘」,從此畢業旅行都要去慈湖跟頭寮謁靈。 ★但「畢業旅行」不可以是「畢業旅行」,而是「公民訓練活動」。 ★每到國定假日就要穿制服去體育館開「團結自強大會」, 不知道是什麼道理,但也是男 女校互窺的好時機。 ★演講比賽不管什麼題目,最後都要「復興中華文化,堅守民主陣容, 消滅萬惡共匪,拯救大陸同胞」「以三民主義統一中國」 「把青天白日滿地紅國旗插滿秋海棠的每一個角落」等口號做結尾, 這是最早的內容自動產生器嗎? ★選舉賄選最流行送味精與彩色鍋。 ★最冷的笑話是:「請問下一屆蔣總統是誰?」 ★寫作文寫到「總統」,前面沒有空格就死定了! ★朝會聽演講要是聽到「蔣總統」三個字就要立正! ★超過五成的人會唱兩種版本的「總統蔣公紀念哥」 (噗,寫錯啦,是紀念歌……還有,忘了空一格,警總不要來抓我 ★高中男女在校外走在一起,被教官發現一定記過! ★制服沒有紮進褲子裡也要記過! ★高中女生頭髮長度不得超過耳下一公分或不能超過衣領 (所以脖子短的人就倒楣了),要穿軍訓裙,要戴船型帽, 軍歌比賽要踢木蘭步,每學期打靶還會被後座力撞到內傷。 ★大學很難考,俗稱「窄門」,還有一部賣座電影叫做「門裡門外」。 ★大學在校外偷開舞會如果遇到警察臨檢,必須開燈關音響, 立刻變成包餃子或湯圓聚會。 ★幾乎每個人都玩過小天使遊戲。 ★暑假不能出國遊學,只好參加救國團活動,因為不是國民黨員, 所以報不到最熱門的「溪阿縱走」和「虎嘯戰鬥營」。 ★每個班級都有國民黨指派的小組長。 ★要看藝術片就要去小隔間的MTV,想約會就去西門町冰宮, 要改褲子就去中華商場。 ★最時髦的手機是黑金剛。 ★有BBCall就很了不起,用數字就可以發簡訊,譬如520就是我愛你! ★看「天天開心」,看到主題曲一字不漏記下來。 ★剛畢業的時候,平均有四個工作機會可以選擇(好囂張)! ★領到第一份薪水的年頭,定存利率還有10%(神話∼∼) 。 ★見識過股市破萬點的榮景,而且破很多(人生少數驕傲)。 ★所謂懂電腦的人,就是學過COBOL、BASIC、Fortran。 沒有PC,沒有Internet,只有半夜登記排隊上機房。 3.5吋磁碟片還沒出現,用那種軟軟薄薄,容量 1.2M 的5.25吋軟碟。 ★剛開始上班的時候,使用過Telex電報機,用過手動打字機 (打錯字要用刀片刮。什麼意思? 唉,聽不懂就算了!) ★沒有ATM,沒有號碼牌,提款存款都要在櫃臺前面排隊。 ★星期六要上半天班,除夕要到五點鐘才能下班。 ★看病之前,要先去公司管理部開一張手寫「勞保單」。 ★因為沒有手機,所以才有日劇「東京愛情故事」 莉香與完治最後在車站擦身而過的淒美梗。 ★沒有交友網站,只有「愛情青紅燈」與「姊妹雜誌」。 ★還沒有「壹週刊」跟「蘋果日報」, 最猛的是「獨家報導」跟「自立晚報」。 ★以前怕人口爆炸,大力鼓吹「家庭計畫 3321」: 結婚三年生一個,再過三年生一個,兩個孩子恰恰好,男孩女孩一樣好; 現在憂心少子化與高齡化,高喊「助你好孕」,發獎金催生! ★以前要「保密防諜」,不得與匪勾結; 現在要ECFA,沒有中國就沒有世界觀! ★以前聽費玉清唱「中華民國頌」好激動; 現在重新把歌詞看一遍,覺得好KUSO。 ★以前罵總統要被抓去關,現在罵總統有時候被鼓勵, 有時候被教育部警告,但還不至於抓去關。 ★以前最紅的是綜藝節目,現在最紅的是call in 節目,但兩者基本功能相同。 ★以前說「當選」,現在說「凍蒜」(吼,講台語,罰錢。指∼∼) 這篇故事真是生動、忠實! 真是越看越有味啊! 如果你/妳就是這群呆胞之一,拍拍手吧! 讓你/妳/我肯定自我一下吧! 最後更要謝謝寫這這篇故事的作者, |