Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy Father's Day, California June Elections and more

Only a month ago we celebrated Mother's Day, now comes Father's Day on June 15, 2014.

Do you know the history of the Father's Day?

Check her out on the second video clip

Best custom made Father's Day card by a four year old son.

Returning from a family trip to South Korea, the father was horrified to find his passport page was drawn over beyond recognition by his four year old son. The father was denied boarding at the airport.

護照遭兒塗鴉 中國爸困韓國

A Chinese Ming Vase for a Father's Day gift? 

The Father's Day Spending Gap: Why Does Mom Always Win?

With the average American planning to spend about $120 for Father’s Day this year, it appears that Dads across the country will be in for a treat. That is, until you compare this figure to the amount spent on Mom: planned spending for Mother’s Day 2013 was 40% higher, at $168. And with this spending gap the widest since 2008, is appears that Dad increasingly isn’t getting his due.
So what’s the deal with Dad? A few of my theories:

Read more:

This Mother's Day gift idea arrives a little late but I am sure she would love to have one at any day.

This is the real Iron Chef in action.

More fun pics about fathers which were download from the web:

You got mail------ (no interpreter is needed)

California Statewide Direct Primary Election was held on June 3, 2014. 
This cartoon was published on Orinda News 6/3/2014
At last, all the election signs and posters are gone and no more solicitation phone calls.

A smart cat