Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Father's Day, American Selfie, Persistence of Time

Published on Orinda News 06/01/2015

9 Funny Father’s Day Jokes for Dad

Double the fun of Dad's special day with our funny Father's Day jokes!
Compiled by Amy Zerello from
Dad holds a special place in our hearts, and on Father’s Day, he deserves the best! Pass our funniest fatherhood submissions on to a dad in your life and share the priceless gift of laughter!

The Right Choice My 16-year-old brother, Ryan, was out late with friends one night. Suddenly he realized it was Father’s Day and he had neglected to buy a card for our dad. After much searching, Ryan located an open store, but was disappointed to find only two cards left on a picked-over rack. Selecting one, he brought it home and, somewhat sheepishly, presented it to our father.
Upon opening it, Dad read this message: “You’ve been like a father to me.” He looked at Ryan, puzzled.
“Well, Dad,” Ryan tried to explain, “it was either that or the card that said, ‘Now that I’m a father too!'” — Submitted by Anne Carlson
The American selfie
Persistence of Time 
a famed painting by surreal artist Salvador Dali in 1931 

I propose that the painting be updated in 2015:
Dogs are wimps:

These Big, Strong Dogs Have The Same Tiny, Fluffy Phobia