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Hang in there America ------ |
就算球迷再怎麼不捨,「移動長城」姚明這次走定了!遲遲不肯公 開未來動向的姚明,昨天遭美國雅虎運動專欄作家瓦納洛斯基搶先爆 料,在過去兩天內,已向休士頓火箭、NBA紐約總部、NBA中國 先後報備退休,姚明離開NBA已成定局。
姚明是在NBA最成功、最具代表性、最會賺錢的中國球員,○二 年以選秀狀元(史上首位外籍狀元)加盟火箭隊,新人球季就打滿八 十二場例行賽,留下場均十三點五分、八點二籃板的成績。
隨後姚明逐年奠定「火箭一哥」的地位,不過兩年前的季後賽成為 其NBA生涯重大轉折點。他雖在首輪率隊擊退拓荒者,隊史闊別十 二年打進第二輪;可惜左腳嚴重骨折讓他提前報銷,從此陷入沒完沒 了的復健期。
Yao Ming, enjoy your retirement. |
Yao Ming has retired
Houston Rockets center Yao Ming announced today from his hometown of Shanghai, China that he has retired from the NBA. Yao finishes his career ranked second in Rockets history in career blocked shots (920), sixth in total points (9,247) and sixth in total rebounds (4,494). Of the 11 players to don a Rockets jersey for seven or more seasons, of them, only Calvin Murphy, Rudy Tomjanovich, Allen Leavell and Yao spent their entire careers with the Rockets.
Read more: http://www.insidehoops.com/yao-ming-retired-072011.shtml#ixzz1TeKHBp8B
台灣前總統李登輝被起訢 Presidential Suite in Taiwan jail?
中央廣播電台╱王韋婷 2011-06-30
Welcome to the Presidential Suite, Chief. |
Former Taiwan president Lee Teng-Hui indicted
While former president of Taiwan (2000-2008), Chen Shui-bian, is currently serving 20 years for corruption and money laundering, his predecessor, former president of Taiwan(1988-2000), Lee Teng-hui, is being indicted for similar crimes. If Lee is found guilty it would be the first time that two former presidents are jailed together. Although it would be unlikely that Lee would face a jail term, as he turned 88 this year. But, the rumor is that a Presidential Suite addition with a grand entrance is being added to the jail for the VIPs ----
I like this idea, Dick. I can think of several presidents in several countries that would enjoy rooming in together. I'm sure Taiwan is an excellent place for it, though the food might be better in ... Mexico?!?!?