GARRRRRRR, Gas price is going up again!
I've just filled up with a no-brand (cheaper?) regular gas from a gas station in Orinda, CA, which cost me a bloody $75 at $4.39 per gallon of liquid gold.
SIGH! Rush Limbaugh Calls a Female Georgetown Student, Sandra Fluke, a 'Slut'
Below is A video clip from ABC NEWS
Remember one year ago, Russ verbally insulted Hu Jingto, President of China when he visited US? Please visit my old post which was published on 1/25/2011;We need to condemn Rush Limbaugh's Comments ridiculing Chinese culture, President Hu Jintao 我們必須譴責拉什林博的評論嘲笑中華文化,國家主席胡錦濤.
He acted it again, so it's my opinion that:
Is Obama trying to tax the riches?
Well, he is trying alright.
Have you seen The Vow?
On 2/7/2012 we flew to Hollywood for the premiere of “The Vow”, a new movie which opened in the theaters on 2/10/2012.
We received the rare opportunity from our son, Eric, who works for Sony Pictures. We were treated almost like celebrities with all expenses paid as well as an invitation to the private party after the movie.
That night, when we arrived at the Graham Chinese Theater where the film would be shown, a mob had gathered in front of the theater and people would scream, applaud and roar whenever the stars appeared. We were ushered into the theater through an underground passage because the front was blocked by fans.

Inside the theater, the seats were all filled but surprisingly, the film stars and many other important people seated alongside with the rest of us; among them were the couple whose true story inspired the film.
After the premiere, we walked across the street into the Roosevelt Hotel , a landmark structure which was built in 1927 and is famous for hosting the first Academy Awards.

The party was filled with people enjoying food, drinks and music. We mingled with the crowd and we saw some movie stars and glamorous people. Suddenly, Eric came over and led us to the corner crowded with bodyguards where he introduced Mom to the leading actor, Channing Tatum, while I was looking in vain for the leading actress, Rachel McAdams.
We stayed at the party until midnight, and then we were chauffeured back to Four Seasons Hotel exhausted and still excited.
When we woke up the next morning, we found this poster for the sequel of The Vow;
Strange, we had no recollection about being part of the cast; perhaps the amnesia in the film was contagious ----
Oh, well ---
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