Mid Autumn Festival 2012
農曆八月十五,今年是9月30日, 中秋節。這是人們一直都喻為最有人情味、最浪曼最詩情畫意的一個節日。每逢佳節倍思親。中秋節這一份思念當然會深切,唐代大詩人李白的這首《靜夜思》
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http://www.bookstrg.com/ReadStory.asp?Code=RKY5097 |
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Lifting my head, I gaze at the moon bright; looking down on my Facebook checking out pics/posts from love ones and home bros.
About the above cartoon:
September 30, 2012 is Lunar August 15 and the start of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a tradition which has been observed and celebrated for hundreds of years by Chinese in Taiwan, China and abroad.
Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's (701—762 AD) famous poem "Quiet Night" illustrated homesickness for many were intensified during this festival, in 20 Chinese characters, he wrote:
Before my bed there streams in the moonlight. It lies there on the ground, looking like frost.
Lifting my head, I gaze at the moon bright; looking down in homesickness and think of home.
(trans. Wang Yushu/Google)
I downloaded the above translation and edited through Google Translate, I am sure there are many ways they can be translated and written more eloquently. I am not a poet, writer or deep thinker and I only try to translate words, often with the helps of Google Translate so please be kind with me if you think I am being silly attempting to interpret Li Bai's poem, your feedback and advices are always welcome.
In old days, being away from home were extremely hard for immigrants and travelers, especially during holidays such as Mid Autumn Festival when family members get together while the lonely travelers can only be with families in their memory. In recent years with easy access to telephones, trains, jets, etc., reuniting and keeping in touch with love ones have become easier although at times they can be complicated and costly. Now with rapid advancements in Internet and now Social Networking, people are able to meet others face to face in virtual world and in real time. Therefore, I think that the last sentence of Li Bai's poem should be modified in order to adapt the current theme:
Queen Elizabeth 3 cruises back to the golden age of ocean liners with blazers, boaters, tea dances... and £365m of luxuryIn old days, being away from home were extremely hard for immigrants and travelers, especially during holidays such as Mid Autumn Festival when family members get together while the lonely travelers can only be with families in their memory. In recent years with easy access to telephones, trains, jets, etc., reuniting and keeping in touch with love ones have become easier although at times they can be complicated and costly. Now with rapid advancements in Internet and now Social Networking, people are able to meet others face to face in virtual world and in real time. Therefore, I think that the last sentence of Li Bai's poem should be modified in order to adapt the current theme:
looking down on my Facebook checking out pics/posts from love ones and home bros.
李白 (701—762年),字太白,号青莲居士,唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人
唐 代大詩人李白的這首《靜夜思》千百年來廣為傳誦,真可謂婦孺皆知!據一項最新民意調查統計,約95%的孩子第一次認識並能背誦的詩歌,也就是這首詩;而如 今的孩子可真是個聰明,他們所提出的一些問題居然也為難住了很多家長和老師:「舉頭望明月」的李白究竟是站著還是坐著?是在屋內還是屋外?為什麼要說是 「床前明月光「而不說是「窗前明月光」或「門前明月光「?——這不,就連大伙您也都傻眼了吧?------------
李白 (701—762年),字太白,号青莲居士,唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人
唐 代大詩人李白的這首《靜夜思》千百年來廣為傳誦,真可謂婦孺皆知!據一項最新民意調查統計,約95%的孩子第一次認識並能背誦的詩歌,也就是這首詩;而如 今的孩子可真是個聰明,他們所提出的一些問題居然也為難住了很多家長和老師:「舉頭望明月」的李白究竟是站著還是坐著?是在屋內還是屋外?為什麼要說是 「床前明月光「而不說是「窗前明月光」或「門前明月光「?——這不,就連大伙您也都傻眼了吧?------------
(文章繼續, 請點 http://dynasty.cc/han/w/article/l-03-10.html)
My two view points of the QE3
Finally, the super riches and the dirt poor have one thing in common; they all like to live in the garages.
Check out this YouTube: Millionaires park supercars in their LIVING ROOM http://youtube/BGBZSPuO7Jk
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