We took a trip to Yunnan, China in April.
4月雲南昆明 - 大理 - 麗江 昆明 -石林 9日遊
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Map of China |
Yunan |
Yunan, its name literally means south of the clouds. The province is one of the most diverse in China.
The Northwest of the province is heavily influenced by Tibet, with
whom it shares a border. The South is
influenced by its proximity to Laos and Burma.
The province is famed for its multitude of ethnic groups, whose
diverse customs can still be seen today. Of China's fifty-five
officially recognized ethnic minorities, twenty-five can be found in
Yunnan: about one-third of the population is not ethnic Han-Chinese.
The official language of Yunnan is Standard Chinese
(or Putonghua as it is known). The region is home to a plethora of
dialects from Chinese, Tibetan and Thai language families. Yunnan is
home to many minority groups who each have their own different language.
Local towns will often have their own version of Mandarin which are sub-dialects of the South-Western dialect of Mandarin common to Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. Despite a heavy accent, the local dialect of Chinese is very similar to Northern Mandarin with only minor regional differences in grammar and pronunciation. For the remainder of the article: http://wikitravel.org/en/Yunnan
So, what about the trip? For years, this popular trip route, Kunming-Dali-Lijian-Shilin 9-Day Tour, has been traveled by a lot of people and many travel stories have been written extensively so there is no need for me to regurgitate the same. In this post I am only pointing out unique experiences which amused me most:
多年來,這個旅行路線,昆明 - 大理 -石林9日遊, 已有很多旅客去過, 也有許多大同小異旅遊故事在網路上, 所以沒有必要讓我重復再描述一遍。在這篇文章中,我只收集一些趣聞和大家分享.
No kidding,
Five star hotel?
After arriving to the city of Kunming, Yunnan from Hong Kong, we checked into a Five Star Hotel and requested a none-smoking room.從香港抵到雲南昆明,我們住進了一家五星級酒店,並要求無煙房間
The layout of the room was amusing:
房間的佈局很有趣, 開了門就是廁所浴室
As soon as we opened the door, we could not help but noticed the center of the attraction was none other, the bathroom:
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都讓你看光光,高興嗎? 我大號不順, 忙著用力, 那有時間看風景呀? |
So why the need for a curtain? AHHHHHHH!
Also, what about the steam, the air and the aroma which were shared with all, YUCK!
Then there were two single beds next to the toilet partition outside of the commode and thank goodness the partition was a smoked glass panel so the people in beds would not see the performance of whoever at the other side of the partition.
The vanity, yes, a bloody tiny vanity, not a counter, had a sink bowel, 16" in diameter on a 30" wide top, so therefore only about 7" each side for toiletries. It was a challenge to find rooms for glasses, tissues, face towels, soap, combs, hand cream, etc. Yes, we should all travel light and if we each only carried one toothbrush we'd have ample rooms around the sink. By the way, it took 5 minute to completely drain the sink and after responding to our complaint to the front desk, it was fixed and improved the time to drain completely to about 2 minutes, YEAH!.
Floooood! I took a shower and the floor at the entry was flooded all the way to the hallway outside so we requested a new room. We learned to unplug the cover of the floor drain before taking showers in order to ease the flow of water as well as placed towels at the bottom of the shower door which worked. It’s amazing when I alerted the front desk about the flooding and she did not seem surprised so I was not apparently the first flood victim.

Then we found an ashtray and match on a coffee table, obviously the hotel was very considerate and hospitable for the comfort of all the guests including smokers who might be trapped in a non smoking room. We also saw a card which read : "Do not smoke in bed". We were impressed that the hotel was very safety conscience.
然後,我們發現茶几上有火柴和煙灰缸, 顯然酒店對有的客人和煙民都很體貼, 我們還看到了一個卡寫著:“不要在床上吸煙"。我們全放心啦,酒店是非常 注重安全的.
After all the excitements, I sat down and sketched out the floor plan of the room:
WOW, I now realize that I was actually sleeping in an extra large bathroom with two beds. Perhaps I am ignorant, is this how a guestroom should be in a Five Star Hotel?
Smoke, smoke and smokers everywhere.
煙黃子孫, 煙煙一吸, 吞雲吐霧者到處可見
It’s interesting that smoking are restricted at some outdoor spaces because of the fire concerns but they are allowed indoors, lobby, restaurants, bathrooms, etc. So everywhere we went, the smell of cigarette smoking were always with us and at times they would mix with another kind potent smell, to be described later, making them a special blend of aroma for welcoming the tourists.
The smokers were everywhere and they were daring and fearless. At the airport terminal, the smoking were really banned with signs clearly posted, but I saw:
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我佩服吸煙者的大膽和無畏, 悍衛他們的人權 在機場候機室,清楚地張貼禁止吸煙, 我居然看到看到煙蒂和空煙盒 |
Isn't it disgusting?
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While waiting for our flight, I noticed the door of the smokers' lounge was propped wide open by the back of a man who was pumping smoke to the waiting area where we seated. I thought the smoker was so nice and compassionate by insisting to share the gre
I think it must have been cruel and unusual punishment to deprive the rights of the smokers so the management of the terminal provided enclosed smokers lounge for those who have to have cigarets before the long flights.
While waiting for our flight, I noticed the door of the smokers' lounge was propped wide open by the back of a man who was pumping smoke to the waiting area where we seated. I thought the smoker was so nice and compassionate by insisting to share the great aroma of the cigarette to the world. Or perhaps he could not stand heavy smokes by others in the room?
為了避免對吸煙者有殘酷和不尋常懲罰,機場提供了封閉的吸煙室. 結果看到一位老兄,大開吸烟室門用背頂著,呑雲吐霧,看来這老兄很夠意思分享烟香烟美味給我们这些不知享受的普通人.唉!
痰人街, 大痰文化
KORRRRRU---PEI! 刻啊啊---- 呸!
Walking on the street I often heard that dreaded throat clearing, followed by a thundering explosion ----. Instinctively, I would jump because I knew a missile of phlegm or spit had launched. When US President Nixon visited China in 1972 and British Prime Minster Margaret Thacher visited China in 1982, the topic of spit and spittoon became known to the world. Except now in the 21st century, the city has advanced to become a giant spittoon and many people spit freely on the sidewalk, street ---- I hate to think about one would constantly stepping on dried or fossilized ancient phlegm, YUCCCCK! I wonder if spitting publicly has become norm so it should be considered a national sports, so in 2006 I suggested in one of my editorials that Free Style Spitting contest, just like Target Shooting, should be included in the 2008 Olympic Games.

Ninth Wonder of the World
The world first, and only, wheelchair ramp for the handicapped plant,COOL!
AHHHH ------- public toilets公廁聞化,方便不便
While traveling, finding public toilets have always been challenging, let along finding a decent and clean one. Often one would find toilets, any toilets, simply by following their noses. I have found many toilets were installed without the U traps or improper venting. The potent smell is often complimented by the smell of the cigarettes, GARRRRR!
外出旅行時, 尋找公廁一直具有挑戰性, 但一般來說只需按照自己的鼻子, 就會找到廁所.
Unfortunately, one does not have many options when nature calls so proper preparation, mental and physical is vital. There are not much you can do being mentally prepared because if you have to go, you go and the consequence for not going would be detrimental. But you can be prepared to be physically prepared; such as before going to a toilet it'd be a good idea to roll up the pants and wear water proof shoes because often the floors are wet and nobody is sure what the wet stuff is and nobody want to guess. Flip-flops would definitely be a no no because they might stick to and become part of the floor, and being barefooted there would be unthinkable. YUUUCK!
不幸的是,旅客們對公厠並沒有很多選擇,適當的準備,如之前去廁所捲起褲子和穿防水鞋,會是一個好主意,因為往往地板是濕濕的東西是什麼,誰也不知道,沒有人想要去猜測。穿夾腳鞋絕對不可,一不當心它黏在地上, 光腳踩到地就慘了
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Recommended attire for happy toileting. |
BYOTP,(bring your own toilet paper) is a must, because it is likely no T.P. is available, even for the paid toilets .
It is also suggested that prior to the trip, women to exercise their leg muscle since most of the toilets are Squat Toilets, they are actually more sanitized then the sit down ones which would meet a lot of butts before you do. Having strong muscles will help the users to withstand the body weight without letting legs go into sleep mode before the business is concluded.
Foods were o.k. except they tend to be on the greasy and salty side because of the necessity of the people living in high altitude. The chickens were often bony because they exercised in the yard not like the ones we getat supermarket that are fat because they only stood and ate at the chicken farms.
We saw a show, The Lijiang Impression, directed by world renowned great director, Chang Yi Mo. An outdoor show with the backdrop of the magn
ificent Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.http://youtu.be/GYyrbalPYAw
I felt the presentation of the story was average when comparing to the impact created by the mass of the performers who danced in unison. You would understand what I meant if you recall the 2008 Olympic opening ceremony directed by Chang. Another good example of mass performers is Michael Jackson's Thriller.
我們看了一場由世界知名的大導演,張毅謀印象麗江,以玉龍雪山為背景下的戶外表演 http :/ / youtu.be / GYyrbalPYAw我們和團友都覺得場面大,人多,動作整齊,就像2008年世奧開幕儀式,但覺得內容缺了一點點,尤其是情侶殉情那一幕感覺有點草率.動作整齊群眾演員的另一個很好的例子是麥克傑克遜的顫栗。
有很多歷史建築,週邊已被攤販佔住, 兜售相同廉價商品,好像變成了一個巨大的跳蚤市場, 不倫不類,很煞風景,
AHHHH, too many people at everywhere we went in China. I am glad that the similar situation did not happen during our trip.
人太多啦, 我很高興在我們的行程中,類似的情況並沒有發生。
Shiling, Stone Forest
The Stone Forest or Shilin (Chinese: 石林; pinyin: Shílín) is a notable set of limestone formations located in Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China, near Shilin approximately 120 km (75 mi) from the provincial capital Kunming. The tall rocks seem to emanate from the ground in the manner of stalagmites, with many looking like petrified trees thereby creating the illusion of a forest made of stone. Since 2007, two parts of the site, the Naigu Stone Forest (乃古石林) and Suogeyi Village (所各邑村), have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites as part of the South China Karst.[1] The site is classified as a AAAAA-class tourist site.[2]
I find visiting this park was one of the best experiences of the entire trip. Although we only had 1.5 hours blazing through the park by trams but in reality we would not be able to see more even if more time were available due to the shear size of the park. Besides, there were people everywhere so seeing just small part of it was as good as it could ever be.
我覺得參觀這個公園是整個行程的最好的經驗之一。雖然我們只有1.5小時坐電車穿過公園,看到的只是很小的一部分, 實際上就算有更多時間也無法看完, 全區太大了, 人也太多.
Fortunately, Shiling is located in China and not here in the US otherwise these stone faces are most likely be targeted by graffiti artists:
幸運的是,石林位於中國如果是在在美國, 這些石頭面可能就會被塗鴉:
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Before After? |
Signage at Hong Kong International Airport
What's the difference between these two signs?
Besides the color, no difference, they all indicate baby changing bed is available, except the designer for the second sign seems to never have ever changed a baby. I am concerned that a baby would suffocate under his/her care.
What is this sign?
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It appears that the terminal has a place for money laundering doesn't? Must be real good news for crooks and rotten politicians to manage their loot.
Upon close inspection, it actually indicated paid showers but the graphic could it also mean washing the wallet? very confusing.
Beef noodle soup 台灣牛肉麵

我們驚訝地發現一間餐廳出售世界著名的台灣牛肉麵, 吃完覺得味道普通, 當然不能和台灣道地牛肉麵比.
When I got the check, I almost fainted.
WWHAT, two bowels of beef noodle soups costed a whopping $24,444???
GULP! Momma Mia, ^$#$#% $&^>!!! Looked it again, realized it was for KRW, Korean currency, or $22 us dollars, WHEW ---Now this is interesting, the receipt shows the currency exchange rate for many countries, such as 1 HKD=141 KRW which is equivalent to 1 USD=1094.98 KRW. WOW, I recall a few years ago people were screaming and hollering about unfair trade practice from China when 1 USD=8 RMB which was blamed for causing US jobs. RMB has since pressured to raise to the rate of about 1 USD= 6+ RMB and still is under pressure to do better. I am not an economist, just an unsophisticated peasant and consumer but am wondering why?
Hong Kong to San Francisco
By comparison the services on flights by Cathy Pacific Airways were actually very pleasant despite the cramped seats and long haul. I found the
Signs at the toilet closet (yes, I call it a toilet in a closet) on the airplane.
Its common knowledge that absolutely no smoking on airplanes so why is this sign necessary? I don't get it.
WHOOPEE! home finally; sunshine, fresh air, clean toilets---- oh yes, graffiti ---- Home Sweet Home.
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