凖備好接收新年了嗎?這棟豪華蛇洞己裝潢好啦 ---- 唉!看來是棟爛屋翻修的貨色 ---- |

Myths and stories about the Year of the Horse, read excerpts from Chinese Zodiac - Horse:
The spirit of the horse is recognized to be the Chinese people's ethos – making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able. Ancient people liked to designate an able person as 'Qianli Ma', a horse that covers a thousand li a day (one li equals 500 meters).
People born in the year of the horse have ingenious communicating techniques and in their community they always want to be in the limelight. They are clever, kind to others, and like to join in a venture career. Although they sometimes talk too much, they are cheerful, perceptive, talented, earthy but stubborn. They like entertainment and large crowds. They are popular among friends, active at work and refuse to be reconciled to failure, although their endeavor cannot last indefinitely.
They cannot bear too much constraint. However their interest may be only superficial and lacking real substance. They are usually impatient and hot blooded about everything other than their daily work. They are independent and rarely listen to advice. Failure may result in pessimism. They usually have strong endurance but with bad temper. Flamboyant by nature, they are wasteful since they are not good with matters of finance due to a lack of budgetary efficiency. Some of those who are born in the horse like to move in glamorous circles while pursuing high profile careers. They tend to interfere in many things and frequently fail to finish projects of their own.
Celebrities Born in the Year of the Horse
Louisa May Alcott, Chopin, Davy Crockett, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Sandra Day O'Connor, Rembrandt, Teddy Roosevelt, Sir Isaac Newton, Barbara Streisand, Cindy Crawford, Cynthia Nixon, Denzel Washington, Harrison Ford, Jason Biggs, Jackie Chan, Jerry Seinfeld, John Travolta, Leonard Bernstein, Oprah Winfrey, Paul McCartney, Rembrandt, Ashton Kutcher, Emma Watson, Josh Hartnett, Katie Holmes, Kristen Stewart, Kobe Bryant, Genghis Khan, Emperor Kangxi and Yongzheng of China’s Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911).
For more, please go to: http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/social_customs/zodiac/horse.htm

Xu Beihong's "Galloping Horse" auctioned for 17 mln yuan

For more: http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/7202369.html
No doubt, Xu Beihonfg was one of best and most famous painter in China. According to Wikipedia, Xu Beihong (19 July 1895 – 26 September 1953) was a Chinese painter born in Yixing, Jiangsu province.
He was primarily known for his Chinese ink paintings of horses and birds and was one of the first Chinese artists to articulate the need for artistic expressions that reflected a modern China at the beginning of the 20th century.
He was also regarded as one of the first to create monumental oil paintings with epic Chinese themes – a show of his high proficiency in an essential Western art technique.
For more about Xu, please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Beihong
笢昜 徐悲鴻的馬,在美術界中昜痔曾有過一些爭辯,有人昜貌認為,馬場上能跑的馬,都笢痔是壯碩的馬,徐悲鴻所畫的馬,痔昜如放之馬場競技,必敗無疑。壯碩馬善跑昜,那也可能是事實,但貌作為藝術品欣賞者,我是更喜歡徐悲鴻的貌笢馬。因為繪畫的特點,不完全是自然笢貌界的寫實,應該是把握貌對象的特征,經過提煉,准確地描繪貌昜他的神態,即所謂以形貌寫神。徐悲鴻的馬,正象教痔育完善的青年,生意活躍,雄姿痔昜英發,孕育著多少青春活力!
更多訊息,請閱讀 http://www.gg-art.com/famous/more_b.php?exhibitionid=24
2014 一月已近尾聲,你是否還記得 2013 年發生了什麼?
WOW, the January is almost over, do you still remember that 2013 was only a month ago:
What have happened in 2013?
These were some funniest commercial we may have seen in 2013:
2014 is in the second decade of the 21th century, have you thought about what had happened in the last century? Do you know which decade in the last century had the following statistics?
- Population 132,122,000
- Unemployed in 1940 - 8,120,000
- National Debt $43 Billion
- Average Salary $1,299. Teacher's salary $1,441
- Minimum Wage $0.40 per hour
- 55% of U.S. homes have indoor plumbing
- Antarctica is discovered to be a continent
- Life expectancy 68.2 female, 60.8 male
- Auto deaths 34,500
- Supreme Court decides blacks do have a right to vote
- World War II changed the order of world power; the United States and the USSR become super powers
- Cold War begins.
American Cultural History[Lone Star College-Kingwood Library], and there are more fascinating information and statistics for the decades between 1900-1990.
So much for the good ole' days, DUH?
O.K. enough nonsense, start thinking about Valentine's Day which is just around the corner.
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